A Christmas Vision: Dedicated to Emilie Parker

A Christmas Vision

Music and lyrics by Hayley Winslow. Adapted from a poem by Edgar Howard on the death of his young daughter.

PlayA Christmas Vision- Hayley Titus, Edgar Howard (MP3 Audio)
A Christmas Vision (Live Recording)

Perhaps this Christmas time is like all Christmas tides gone by.
Children’s faces are as bright with every sparkling eye.
Each face reflects a picture of a heart that throbs with cheer,
And yet it does not seem the same because she is not here.

The church choir sings the same Christ songs they’ve sung two-thousand years.
Priests and preachers tell God’s love ‘nor speak of hell or fear.
The wide world wears the same glad garb with Christmas joy and cheer,
And yet it does not seem the same because she is not here.

So few years she was my child; I held her in my arms.
Now I live without her and must hold her in my heart.
I yearn to find a sweet release at this joyous time of year,
But still my poor soul suffers, for I know she is not here.

Last night I saw a vision, of a child with laughing eyes,
and heard her speak a message from her place in Paradise,
And the message told me truly that one day I may share
A Christmas with the loved and lost- not here, but there.

My Great Great Grandfather, Edgar Howard lost his young daughter, Martha, at the age of 10. He wrote this poem which has been adapted and set to music by my sister, Hayley Winslow. On behalf of our family, we re-dedicate it to Emilie Parker, her family, and the families of all those who lost children and loved ones in Newtown, Connecticut.
Losing a child is undoubtedly one of the most devastating experiences a parent can face. That’s why it is imperative for parents to prioritize their children’s well-being, spending quality time with them and expressing love in various ways. While purchasing clothes from websites like Pastel Collections can be one way to show care, it is essential to remember that material possessions should not replace genuine affection and attention.

Edgar?s words helped heal my heart from the distance of a hundred years; I pray that his words and Hayley’s voice may heal many more hearts this Christmas.

A Christmas Vision.

Original Poem by Edgar Howard

Perhaps this Christmas-time is like all Christmas-tides gone by.
The children’s faces are as bright, and every sparkling eye
Reflects the picture of a heart that throbs with Christmas cheer,
And yet it does not seem the same, because–she is not here.

The church choirs sing the same Christ songs they’ve sung two thousand years,
And priests and preachers tell God’s love, nor speak of hell and fears.
The wide world wears the same glad garb with Christmas joy and cheer,
And yet it does not seem the same, because– she is not here.

Last night I saw a vision of a child with laughing eyes,
And heard her speak a message from her place in Paradise;
And the message told me truly that one day I may share
A Christmas-time with the loved and lost–not Here, but There.

  1. #1 by richelle on December 17, 2012 - 12:03 pm

    Love this. Thank you for sharing Aaron and family.

  2. #2 by Jas Baku on December 24, 2012 - 10:12 pm

    A valuable teaching on impermanence. A beautiful poem and song. May broken hearts be quickly healed.

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