HAUPPAUGE, New York. On or before May 22, 2007 (and as early as March 22, 2007), the Suffolk County Government Civil Service posted the names and last four digits of 250 individuals’ social security numbers on their website. The file appeared to be a copy of an old database related to the “CF Police Lottery.” The Liberty Coalition discovered the file and notified the county government on December 14, 2007. The file was not deleted from the county server until January 30, 2008, after a second notification by the Liberty Coalition.
Following the second notification, a county representative contacted the Liberty Coalition and pledged that Suffolk County plans to change its procedure, and stop using partial SSNs as an identifying number.
The last four digits of the social security number is used by businesses to extend credit, and financial institutions sometimes use it as a password. By placing this information online, Suffolk County has placed these individuals at an elevated risk of identity theft.
Individuals affected by this exposure should immediately visit www.ssnbreach.org and search for their names, to confirm what types of personal information were exposed.
About SSNBreach.org
Sponsored by the Washington, DC non-profit Liberty Coalition, SSNBreach.org provides hundreds of thousands of free personalized Identity Exposure Reports™ as a public service.
SSNBreach.org documents the types of information exposed, but does NOT contain sensitive data, such as Social Security Numbers, Birth Dates, Addresses, etc. Consequently, there is no way to search for your SSN or any other type of sensitive data on SSNBreach.org. Once we document the types of exposed information and the situation surrounding the exposure, we include the information in personalized Identity Exposure Reports. This information allows victims to further investigate, take action, or correct harm.