Titanfoundation.com Posts Personal Information for 1,689 Online

In October 2007, the Liberty Coalition discovered seven files on the website titanfoundation.com exposing personal information of 1,689 individuals. The files contain names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, email addresses, and financial information. Some individuals on this list are at extreme risk of identity theft.

The files contained individual notes of a personal nature such as, “I am a housewife and have my granddaughter to care for,” “I’m pregnant, due in December, want to stay home with my new baby,” “unemployed mother of two young children,” “my family is having a rough patch with money right now and i need some extra help,” and “I recently lost my job and need an income.”

The FBI was notified, and the files were confirmed deleted within 24 hours. However, the information remained available through Google’s cache until late December, 2007.
You can confirm whether you were affected by this breach by searching for your name at www.ssnbreach.org.

About SSNBreach.org
SSNBreach.org is a free online directory of victims of personal information breach, that tells you whether your personal information has been exposed.

SSNBreach.org does NOT contain sensitive data, such as Social Security Numbers (SSN), Birth Dates, Addresses, and the like. Consequently, there is no way to search for your SSN or any other type of sensitive data on SSNBreach.org. Instead of storing sensitive information, we document what information was exposed, and the situation surrounding the breach. This information allows victims to further investigate, take action, or correct any harm from the exposure.

Source: ssnbreach.org.

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