In September, 2007 the Liberty Coalition discovered two files containing partial social security numbers, grades, passwords, and other sensitive personal information for about 90 students at Temple University. All of the files were posted in the Computer Information System department, in a folder called “~shi.” The University was notified, and removed the files within a few business hours of notification, and requested search engines purge their caches. The files appeared to be a list of students enrolled in Spring 1998.
On September 26, University Privacy Officer Robert Edamala notified the Liberty Coalition that the university has
“…requested audits of their systems… [and] that faculty and staff arrange for, and attend, a seminar on Information Security and Privacy… Temple University is sensitive to the issue of privacy and has formulated policies and procedures that cover the handling, transmittal and storage of confidential information. In addition, for the past few years, we have dedicated the month of October to Information Security and Privacy Awareness, during which we hold educational campaigns on the topic.”
Individuals affected by this breach can get a personalized Information Exposure Report at